Vignette and toll charges for European holiday destinations (2017 prices)


You have to pay to drive on stretches of nearly all of Croatia’s motorways, as well as on two bridges and in one tunnel. You can work out the motorway toll you have to pay on: – GoogleTranslate offers a good translation.
Price: Ucka Tunnel (depending on the class of vehicle): 2.50€ – 12€; Krk bridge: 2.80€ – 11€; Mirna viaduct: 2€ – 3€. Payment in cash or by credit card. The charge is worked out on the basis of the length of journey and the vehicle’s height, weight and number of axles.



Most motorways in Austria are subject to a toll charge. Vehicles under 3.5 tonnes (including motorcaravans) need a vignette but trailers do not.
Price: 10 days: 8.90€; 2 months: 25.90€; 1 year: 86.40€.
On some stretches there is a toll charge in addition to the vignette.
For vehicles weighing over 3.5 tonnes, the toll charge depends on the distance travelled taking into account the number of axles and pollution levels. Payment is via the Go-Box. Depending on the category of vehicle, the cost works out at between 14 and 33 euro centimes per kilometre.
Info on Go-Box:



Tolls are charged on the A1, A2 and A4 motorways in Poland.
Price: Vehicles up to 3.5 t: 0.16 – 0.30 centimes per km (payment in cash or by credit card at the toll station); vehicles over 3.5 t – including trailer combinations only via TOLL-System, no cash payment.
Info on



Hungary operates an E-vignette system. You need an E-vignette to drive on many of the country’s motorways, highways and some stretches of main road. The cost depends on the category of vehicle.
Price: 10 days: 11€ to 50€; 1 month 18€ – 83€, 1 year: 163€ to 757€.
Check the web page Vir-Pay for the different categories of vehicle and charges and on-line purchase of vignettes:


You have to pay to use the Öresund bridge and the bridges in Motala and Sundsvall. The charge depends on the vehicle’s length and weight.
Price: Öresund bridge: 50€ to 100€; Motala: 5€ to 11€; Sundsvall: 9€ to 20€.
In addition, a city toll charge is in force in Stockholm and Göteborg between 6 am and 6.29 pm on weekdays that also applies to foreign visitors. Payment on invoice.

Source: Camping (DCC-D)