In tune with the environment
Over the past decade there have been many discussions on the impact of everyday living on the environment. The world of camping, caravanning and motor-caravanning embraces nature and its action can have an impact on the environment. It is essential that any camping, caravanning and motor-caravanning activity that is undertaken has minimal destructive effect on the world we live in.
The F.I.C.C. policy endeavours to suggest methods whereby the downside effects of the hobby on the environment are reduced in the eyes of the public at large. This includes sites and equipment that is used and the efforts to influence the manufacturers of the said equipment.
To encourage site owners and developers to :
- Keep natural trees and foliage on sites and keep the disturbance to the countryside to a minimum during and after construction;
- Create areas of natural and scientific interest;
- Use renewable sources of energy for as many on-site services as possible;
- Move caravans, motor-caravans and tents at regular intervals to reduce damage to grass;
- Have longer opening seasons to reduce congestion at peak periods.
To encourage site users to:
- Respect the area in which they camp and leave it in good condition;
- Use public transport as much as possible to visit the local area;
- Eliminate the use of ground sheets, replace if necessary by awning carpets.
To encourage tent manufacturers, site owners and tent users to:
- Design tents so that damage to the ground on which they are sited is kept to a minimum;
- Use material in construction which can be recycled;
- Use solar energy for water heating (black bag);
- Reduce the amount of hydrocarbons burnt by the use of communal cooking or wood burning stoves.
To encourage the manufacturers of caravans and motor-caravans to:
- Design vehicles with a low drag factor;
- Use only wood from managed forests in construction;
- Use lightweight materials in the construction of framework and furniture;
- Use materials that can be recycled;
- Use high efficiency insulation;
- Use renewable sources of energy for internal supplies;
- Analyse the need for the equipment fitted.
Motor-caravans and tow vehicles
To encourage all users of the above:
- Not to overload the unit;
- Not to carry unnecessary items that can be obtained locally;
- Not to overheat/overcool the unit:
- To move stationary pieces of personal equipment on site to reduce damage to the ground;
- Not to contaminate the ground with waste products and oil/fuel from the vehicle;
- To use good driving techniques to reduce fuel consumption.