
Welcome to the World of Camping, Caravanning and Motorcaravanning

Dear Camping Friends,

We were happy and blissfully unaware ….. but now we know!

And we’re learning all the time….

I think that from now on, we will give much more value to what really matters! Because, suddenly, an invisible enemy has changed our whole reality and revised our entire way of thinking and acting.

We notice that

  • Our most precious asset is health;
  • We just need basic goods and services to survive. Therefore, we have much more than we need and take too much for granted;
  • Freedom has limits when it might jeopardize the well-being of others;
  • We can’t just think about us.   We have to think about the common good;
  • Distancing has become an act of responsibility and LOVE;
  • There are incredible human beings who put their lives at risk to save the lives of others;
  • We have to be aware and prudent in everything we do to contribute to reducing the spread of the virus.
  • We need to show solidarity with the most fragile, protecting them as much as possible;
  • We have to be strong to stay at home and follow all the recommendations. This is our biggest contribution;
  • We have to hope that everything will end well and result in us all becoming better people!

Nothing will ever be the same again … but let’s make the future a lot better!

Much hope and good health to all!

João ALVES PEREIRA, President
Fédération Internationale de Camping, Caravanning
et de Autocaravaning (F.I.C.C.)



F.I.C.C. – Fédération Internationale de Camping, Caravanning et Autocaravaning AISBL

Rue Belliard 20    bte 15
BE – 1040 Bruxelles